Twitter / pixie_me

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Last Entry

Hey guys! Long time, huh?

Well, this is a post to say goodbye to The Kitchen Series...
Writing and sharing my kitchen experiences with you has been one of the most awesome things I've done, it's been great and I have really enjoyed it. It has been a really wonderful amazing ride :)

This is not a goodbye to the whole foodblog thing it's a goodbye to this particular blog and an invitation to go visit the new one I'm working on.
I do hope that whoever enjoyed this blog gives the new one a chance. It's going to be awesome. I swear I will post more often and shower you with new recipes. I know I say this often and ya'll probably don't believe anymore, but it's true. It's a new concept, a new start and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I will. 
This new blog is called The Kitchen Series II . Diaries of Me  it's gonna be more about life in general with a lot of food thrown in the mix. I want to write about my life and friends and shit that happens as well as food and not just write recipes. I mean, I will be sharing recipes (otherwise naming it The Kitchen Series II would be stupid) but I will be sharing other stuff with you too.

So give it a go. I really really hope to see your comments there. And, I guess that's all.

Thank you for letting me share all this with you and see you soon ;)